CI/CD – continuous integration and continuous delivery followed by continuous deployment – is part of a software release process that is designed to speed up the time to market for software. Specifically CI/CD creates a pipeline of frequent testing, validation and deployment of code. It is part of a wider DevOps approach to software development which encourages greater levels of collaboration between development and IT operations teams.
[Read more…]Cutting the cost of software roll out
Software development is a costly business. Some of our clients come to us with the explicit aim of cutting roll out costs. More often, they come to us knowing that by improving testing processes they can maximise investment in their software development team. By increasing efficiency of testing processes and therefore the effectiveness of defect prevention, there will be cost savings, whether they appear on the bottom line or are reinvested in further development.
[Read more…]Are We Looking For The Right Skills In Our Testers?
I am amazed at how much emphasis people put on technical and domain skills when asking for a tester. Back in the days when I was looking for Test Analyst or Test Lead jobs, I would often be discouraged from applying because it would state something like; “Must be proficient in Cobol programming” (yes, I’m that old!), or, “Extensive knowledge of the mortgage industry essential”. Now, two decades later, just the briefest glance at job listings today throws up; “Previous experience working with CRM systems” and “Experience of working in Telecommunications sector” as essential requirements for Test Analyst roles and similar statements can be seen in almost every listing. Even then, I used to think to myself, “Well, I’m a good tester. I can read requirements and derive tests from them. Why do I need an in depth knowledge of the system or business area?”.
Is your test team up to scratch? Get the Experimentus checklist
Test managers need to regularly ask themselves and their team a few hard questions to make sure the testing process is as effective as it can be.
Use the Experimentus checklist to get started and get your test team up to scratch.