Software development is something that most large companies are involved in these days, whether they’re a software business or not.

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You may well have set out personal resolutions this January, but have you set out any business resolutions? If the answer is ‘not yet’, you may want to consider setting some that relate specifically to the technology you’re using.
A recent article for CMSWire offered five suggestions of resolutions that can help your company have a “digitally excellent” 2019. Among them is the need to always be testing.
The news provider explained that quality and speed can come together, they don’t have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, in a digital environment you should never “sacrifice speed to market in the name of quality, or quality in the name of speed”, the article argues.
How do you manage to balance those two elements? By always testing your software and applications.
The article explains that carrying out continuous testing “prevents the costly delays that occur when a bug is uncovered at the end of a release cycle”. It’s this that gives you your speed. But, of course, continuous testing also means that any performance or functional issues are identified early and therefore don’t make it into production. This provides the quality.
“It is an essential and often overlooked element of digital excellence, one capable of turning lost customers into delighted advocates,” the website states.
Software Development Times also highlighted the benefits that continuous testing brings recently. It shared the results of a survey among developers and testers, which found that 92 per cent believe continuous testing provides quicker feedback on “observed defects”, while 84 per cent of those questioned said it also “speeds up release cycles”.
If you need some help with test process improvement, talk to our experts today.
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China Pacific Insurance recently became the first Chinese company to achieve a TMMi professional qualification. This has helped lead the way for other organisations in Asia to pursue the certification for themselves.
According to the TMMi Foundation, China Pacific Insurance was handed its TMMi Level 5 certification towards the end of November, with the award presented by Clive Bates of TMMi Foundation.
This represented the first company in the nation to receive this certification, and has helped other businesses follow the same lead.
Since then, TMMi Foundation revealed that the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Data Center Consolidation (Beijing)) has also managed to obtain the TMMi Level 5 certification.
This reflects the increasing number of TMMi professional exams being taken in China recently, with this figure growing by 50 per cent in 2018 compared with 2017’s statistics.
So far this year has seen 60 of these assessments being taken in China, which is significantly more than the 40 that were undergone last year. This is also a massive climb from previous years when the number of professional TMMi exams taken in the country was just over 20 in 2016 and fewer than ten in 2015.
China is not the only country in Asia that is pursuing these important and useful qualifications as Telekom Malaysia Berhard was recently awarded the TMMi Level 3 certificate.
For help with TMMi Training, Assessments or to take advantage of our Licensing model, get in touch with us today.
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